Welcome to the registration for the 2025 PYSA soccer season.
- Depending on the weather and field conditions, we are hoping to run our soccer program for May and June
- We are hoping our players will get eight (8) weeks of soccer.
- The PYSA jamboree will occur at the end of the season. The jamboree is a one-day event where we try to have all teams play two games and try to offer some additional activities for the kids at the fields in Portage.
- Payment options for this season are limited to payment by cheque or e-transfer.
- Coaches are asked to have their Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders completed by the end of the first week of the season (May 8th, 2025)
- One parent of each child is to complete or provide proof of having completed Respect in Sports for Parents
Level Year of Birth Night Approx Time Fees
U19 2007-2010 Tues/Thurs 6:30 to 8:30 $80
U15 2011-2012 Mon/Wed 6:30 to 8:30 $80
U13 2013-2014 Tues/Thurs 6:30 to 8:00 $80
U11 2015-2016 Mon/Wed 6:30 to 8:00 $80
U9 2017-2018 Tues/Thurs 6:30 to 8:00 $80
U7 2019-2020 Mon/Wed 6:30 to 7:30 $70
U5 2021 Tues/Thurs 6:30 to 7:30 $70
We hope the season will commence in early May for most levels (depending on field conditions). U5 and U7 might start later in May to avoid those colder evenings.
We are requiring that our volunteer coaches take the Respect in Sports online program. Volunteer coaches are mandatory for making the season happen for all the kids, and at the same time, PYSA wants to ensure that kids get to play in a safe (physically, mentally, and emotionally) environment. This program helps volunteer coaches with aspects of coaching when dealing with players, parents, referees, and other coaches. RIS Activity Leader certification is valid for 5 years and is often transferrable between sports/activities. Here is a link to the RIS program; our association is listed alphabetically as "Portage Youth Soccer" (
not under the subgroup "Soccer") -
Resect in Sport for Parents - We are asking that one member from each family takes Respect in Sports for Parents. This too is transferrable between activites. There is a cost of $12 to take the course and, according to the website, the course is about one hour long. If you already have a valid certificate from another activity (hockey, baseball, etc) your family does not need to take it again, but please provide your certification number in the registration. The Sports Manitoba link to RIS for Parents in found here -
We would like to remind parents that PYSA is a community soccer program with teams from the surrounding areas (Oakville, MacGregor, St Claude). While we try our best to balance travel for each team (games with travel vs games in your community), PYSA reminds parents that there will be some travel required for games outside our community; carpooling can be an option. Please remember that there are kids at the field waiting for the other team to show up.
Please fill in the information below. For first-time players with Portage Youth Soccer, please email a copy of your child's birth certificate to pysa321@gmail.com for record confirmation.
If you have previously registered your child/children with Portage Youth Soccer using the online format, that child would be considered a RETURNING PLAYER. You should have an access code associated with each child. If you do not remember the access code, CLICK on the "What's my Access Code?" link under the ACCESS CODE box to have the access code sent to the associated email. This should populate the registration form based upon previously obtained information; please review/update information and be aware that there might be additional information requested.
If you miss a mandatory field, please note that when the page reloads some entries might be reset. Please double-check responses to:
Returning Player
Years of Soccer Experience
Player skill rating (Parental Assessment)
Upload file
Volunteer Team Positions